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Showing posts from 2016

Stepping Stones of the New Age: Growing Into Isolation and Some Tips on the Aftermath

These titles are really becoming bigger and bigger mouthfuls, aren't they? Well, so is life and the world, so let's chew.  It's probably happened a thousand times before; there were probably humans in contact with ETs via interplanetary multidimensional systems, possibly based on 2001: A Space Odyssey -like energetic relics in constant communication with trans-dimensional space life; technologies on earth that far surpass what we see around us; knowledge, wisdom and understanding that our present process only seems to scratch the surface of.  God knows (and She surely does).  But nonetheless, how the fuck are we dealing with the madness of the Kali Yuga?  The Great Birth we're in, that appears to be infiltrating our collective and individual experiences, gnawing away at us and giving us so much grief as we try, try, try - so hard, as hard as a million rocks flying through space - to remain purely rational in a world that is slowly eating us up as a cute little les

Figuring Out Why Happiness Has Been So Troubling Over the Years

I can barley chew, the title is such a mouthful.  Which serves as a metaphor for the topic, actually.  Why is  happiness so daunting?  Not only when we long for it, but when we experience  it too.  Here I'll share some reflections, based particularly on a feeling of dread I've experienced in the past, when things actually do seem wonderful, perfect even.  The nonsensical, non-rational experience of two elements that seem poles apart. For a long time, when riding the peak of a happy period of life - be it a day, a week, even months - I've founded a backdrop of anxiety.   What if I lose this?   Am I not bound  to lose it?   Well, I suppose it's easy to see that nothing is ever "had" in that sense.  Of course you cannot hold on to happiness.  Just like the more negatively experienced emotions and vibrations, happiness is passing; it is a feature of experience, albeit one which we strive to experience more of.  And it's very abstract, too, which I think i

You've Got Trauma!

For most people, images of car accidents, war and molestation come to mind when the term 'trauma' is mentioned.  I think it's fairly important, too, to take solid note of the conventional, common-parlance fashion that certain words are used in, and 'trauma' certainly does tend to ring and echo in a rather confronting way.  "You've got trauma!?"  No one wants to hear that, really - do they?  It sounds more like you've got a life-threatening disease you never knew a thing about; and it could be viewed this way, too, so I suppose it is kind of a confronting concept.  But you needn't have been molested, served in 'nam or been beaten up by your parents to be experiencing the ripples of trauma.  Yep - chances are that, in a wider sense, YOU'VE GOT TRAUMA! Let's try to clear some things up about all this first.  You don't 'have' anything, in the sense of harbouring a particular thing.  We're talking patterns of behavio

Outside the Bubble/Dissolution of the Bubble Wall

For the last few years I've been exiting and eventually re-entering a bubble (travelling/working, more or less).  The re-entry has often been difficult, becoming re-accustomed to the ways of the world, the working life, the 'everyday' and all that.  For a time, I wondered whether it would get any easier - which it did - and whether it would be an ongoing pattern or if things as a whole would change.  What I mean by this is, I wondered whether I would just get used to the swapping back and forth, or whether it would actually evolve into something new.  I've always learnt the most when I'm either travelling or studying (both more or less outside of the bubble); and each time I re-enter, I find my path more and more clear (though part of that involves changing my lifestyle, my mode of being, and so forth).  This always felt good; a progression of sorts, but not to anything in particular.  More an organic growth into new ways of being happier, more flowing and clear in